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Breaking Barriers: The Power of Advocacy in Parenting a Child with Autism

On March 18th, 2015, my son, my precious Drayson, had been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The words echoed in my head as I tried to make sense of it all. How could this happen? What does this mean for his future? As a mother, my initial reaction was fear and sadness. But then something inside me clicked – I needed to be strong for my son. I needed to be his voice and advocate for him in a world that may not always understand him.

I began researching– from symptoms to treatments, therapies to resources. It was overwhelming at first, but day by day, I became more knowledgeable about this disorder that affected my sweet boy. Through countless doctor visits and therapy sessions, we found out that Drayson also had several secondary diagnoses – ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder among them. The road ahead seemed daunting but I refused to let it defeat me.

One day while strolling through social media, an idea struck me like lightning – why not start a podcast? A platform where parents like myself can share their experiences and learn from one another? And so Pieces For My Puzzle was born.

My podcast quickly gained popularity within the special needs community as parents tuned in for quick tips on finding resources and advocating for their children. But it wasn't just about practical advice; it was also about finding hope and encouragement through shared stories.

I have interviewed experts in the field of autism research, therapists who worked with children like Drayson, and other parents who were walking a similar path as mine. Each episode brought new insights and perspectives that helped me become even better equipped in caring for my son. But most importantly, running Pieces For My Puzzle gives me purpose beyond being just a mother. It allows me to use my voice to make positive changes not only in Drayson's life but also in the lives of other families.

Through my podcast, I have learned that being an advocate for your child means never giving up. It means asking questions and seeking answers, even when it feels overwhelming. And most of all, it means finding hope and strength in the journey.

Today, Drayson is a thriving boy who has defied all odds despite his diagnoses. He may be different from other children, but he is uniquely special in his own way – a piece to my puzzle that completes our family.

As I look back at where we started and how far we've come, I am grateful for the struggles because they have made us stronger. Pieces For My Puzzle continues to be a beacon of light for parents like me who are navigating through the complexities of raising a child with special needs. And as long as there are families out there who need support and encouragement, my podcast will continue to be their companion on this beautiful, yet challenging journey called parenthood.

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